When trying to add Domain users to Local Administrators group, you can only browse Local computer not the Domain. Here are the steps to trouble shoot the issue 1) Check…
After installing SBS 2008 Standard, most of the installers wonder why the Exchange 2007 having so many Errors in startup. After giving the command Get-ExchangeServer they can see only one…
Controlling the size of the database is set via the registry. For all the registry settings that relate to making changes on a mailbox store, note that we'll be…
Server RoleWebItanium StandardEnterpriseData centre Web services (IIS)YesYesYesYesYes Application Server NoYesYesYesYes Print Services NoYesYesYesYes Hyper-VNo YesYesYesYes AD Domain ServicesNoNoYesYesYes DHCP ServerNoNoYesYesYes Fax ServerNoNoYes YesYes DNS ServerNoNoYesYesYes UDDI Services NoNoYes YesYes WDSNo…
The first-ever web browser for India , the world's only sidebar apps browser antivirus scanner, word processor, 1500+ more apps The main features of Epic are: Maximum Security, Malicious Website…
You can change the keyboard layout using the keyboard control panel applet start --settings -- control panel -- keyboard --Input Locales however this does not affect the layout used during…
If you have adobe acrobat 9 professional and missing save as "PDF button" from Office 2007 follow the steps : 1) Click on the Microsoft office Ribbon button 2) Click…
FSMO RolesSchema Master: The schema master domain controller controls all updates and modifications to the schema. To update the schema of a forest, you must have access to the schema…
Uninstall Trend Micro Worry free clients - when you cant remember the Administrator password Please do the following: a. Go to Start > Run, then type "Regedit". Important: Always create…